"Wherefore, whithersoever they shall send you, go ye, and I will be with you; and in whatsoever place ye shall
proclaim my name an effectual door shall be opened unto you, that they may receive my word."
- Doctrine & Covenants 112:19

Friday, September 27, 2013

Write to Sister Ferguson!

There are lots of ways you can write to Sister Ferguson!  She gets to check email once a week but can receive a letter in the mail any day of normal mail service.  She can only send direct email to immediate family members, but can hand write letters to anyone.

  1. Dear Elder website

    - Go to: http://www.dearelder.com/
    - From the drop down menu where it says Select Mission, select "Provo MTC - FREE"
    - Click "Write a Letter" button
    - And then fill in the information with your return address, her name and unit number (79), write your letter and hit send! She'll get it the same or next day! (the cutoff time for same day is 12 noon MST)
  2. Email: holly.ferguson@myldsmail.net -- Be sure to include your mailing address so she can write you back!
  3. Snail mail.  Her address while she's in the MTC is:

    Sister Holly Liana Ferguson
    2007 North 900 East Unit 79
    Provo, UT 84602
  4. Comments left on her blog or Facebook will be emailed to her periodically.

Now send away!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Holly's First Day As a Missionary

Holly got on a plane early this morning and flew in to Utah.  She got picked up by her brother Nate who lives there and had lunch with him and his wife.  Nate and Jenny are both MTC teachers so they got to grab a few pictures of the official new missionary!  Nathan teaches literally 3 classrooms away from where Holly's is.  That's pretty awesome considering how big that place is!

Lunch at PF Chang's

At the MTC!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Set Apart

Well, this is it. Tonight I am getting set apart as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I couldn't be more excited! While I am out of my head nervous, I know that because I have answered Heavenly Father's call to serve, He will help me with the rest. I know this church is true because I have prayed and received an answer from Heavenly Father, and I know you can too. All you have to do is kneel down and ask God sincerely. I love this Gospel with all my heart, I know every aspect of it is true. I know we each have a divine plan created for each of us that leads us back to Him. Be good!!You're always a little better than you think you are. You can do hard things!
-Sister Ferguson

Monday, September 23, 2013

Living Each Moment to the Fullest

I wanted to share a few things that I have done in that past few weeks to soak up my last days before the mish. I had posted a picture on facebook talking about wondering how i can fully take advantage of moments before they pass me by. i always look back on moments and i hate the feeling of when things are over. i always wish i could relive them so that i could soak it up more, but recently i have come to realize that the way to completely soak it up for all it's worth is to continually express my gratitude towards my Heavenly Father. I have come to realize that when i do, i feel more joy, and feel more complete, rather than wanting to go back and relive it, because i know that i have done all i can to take the moment in. i have so much in my life to be thankful for, and expressing that gratitude is something i have recognized that i need to do better on. i have tried to improve on it lately. thanking Heavenly Father makes me feel more worthy of those blessings and tender mercies, and helps me to open my eyes to other blessings that i haven't recognized before. God is good! i feel like i am saying i a lot in this post...sorry! i could use a grammar lecture right about now, but don't really feel like re-reading this so sorry all you ocd grammar people :) here are a few of the fun things i have been up to lately, and they are all kind of jumbled and not in order...sorry for the length of this and all the pictures!
p.s. last post tomorrow as a pre-mish!
 playing around at pineview reservoir- eden, ut
 stopped to say bye to my close friend melanie- provo, ut
 more pineview- eden, ut
 chow time! - provo, ut
 endowments with wonderful family support-brigham city, ut
 with my closest cousin...regardless of how long it has 
been since we have seen each other, wecan never tell a 
difference. we are pretty funny! - alpine, ut
 visiting my mission - slc, ut
 did a session in spanish - oquirrh, ut
 with melanie - oquirrh mtn., ut
 when you see it.....- talladega, al
 spent time with all my dad's family - talladega, al
 my wonderful grandmother flew me out to spend
time with her before i left. i even got to spend
time with the honeymooners while i was there too.
was lucky to see lots of family i haven't seen in 
a very long time. - talladega, al
 playing apple/peach ball with nate. - talladega, al
 visiting the square with ashley - slc, ut
 had to post this to the future temple square missionaries
facebook page! - slc, ut
 peach days carnival...no one understands my 
love for caramel apples - brigham city, ut
 peach days festival - brigham city, ut
 peach days with ashley and kaitlyn - brigham city, ut
 one of my favorite pictures...carnival excitement
-brigham city, ut
 5K color run for melanie's birthday...they throw chalk
at you as you run by. before picture- eden, ut
after picture: so fun!! i was wearing sunglasses...resulting 
in a unibrow...more like a 5K walk...funny thing is is that it
was raining, so chalk + rain = dye apparently, because
my hair has been purple for weeks. inevitably being purple
the next day for my farewell talk in utah and i actually
ended up dying over it yesterday...don't think the mtc
would appreciate the purple hair! - eden, ut
 i worked as a teller at wells fargo for this past year
and can't even express how much i loved it! i 
worked in a small town where i got to know virtually
every customer. I looked forward to going to work
in the mornings. hands down my favorite job!
this was part of the many farewell presents that
my wonderful coworkers put together for me...
along with an adorable top and necklace and notes
that i will be taking on my mission. they have great
taste! i will sure miss them. - eden, ut
 this was a picture i took of the outskirts of eden
as i was leaving on my last day. this doesn't even
begin to capture it's beauty. absolutely the most
beautiful place i have seen! i will live there someday.
-eden, ut
 my dad and i got to go on to the field for 
the diamondback's game, my favorite baseball
team. i resisted the urge to run across the field
and slap the players butts...if paul goldschmit 
was single.....- chase field: phoenix, az
 on the field- phoenix, az
 hey we're on the big screen which means
we are officially famous. let me know if 
you want an autograph. - phoenix, az
 man i love this little guy. my little nephew
eli. this doesn't even show how cute he
is. he is starting to crawl and even taking
baby steps with help! it will be hard not to be 
there to see him growing because i know
he will grow really fast, but luckily my
sister will send me updated pictures every
week so i don't miss out on too much!
- marana, az
 i was taken aback by how beautiful this temple is
inside...love it! - mesa, az
 these sunsets are one thing utah definitely doesn't
have...no filter either! - tucson, az
 nate, jen jen and i - provo, ut
another picture on the field with my dad. 
- phoenix, az

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Such a fitting word.....but it doesn't begin to explain the mix of feelings that are pinging around in my little brain right now! Excited, anxious, nervous, impatient, overwhelmed, humbled, delighted, now we are making a dent. With only a week away, it becomes more and more real each day. Today, a Sister Missionary serving in my Brother and Sister-in-Law's ward who is serving here on her outbound from Temple Square came over with her companion and I got to chat with her. She was so excited to talk about Temple Square and I could see how much she loved it and how special of a place it is. After answering my 385724 questions, she still wanted to talk about 'The Square' and wondered why I didn't have more questions (made me feel better.). It was a little overwhelming to be honest, but I know that is just because it is all new and unfamiliar to me. But what is not unfamiliar to me is my testimony. Regardless of how strange and new things will be, My testimony and desire to share the Gospel will stay the same. I am so excited to embark on this new experience that will bring me closer to my Savior. I know that I have a special purpose on Temple Square, and that people have been prepared to hear the Gospel from me there. I know God hears and answers every single prayer that we have, even the ones that are in our hearts. I know change is possible. Goodness is possible. Anything is possible as long as we rely on the Lord. This church is true!