"Wherefore, whithersoever they shall send you, go ye, and I will be with you; and in whatsoever place ye shall
proclaim my name an effectual door shall be opened unto you, that they may receive my word."
- Doctrine & Covenants 112:19

Monday, November 10, 2014

Orange tabs...

Week of miracles!! We have some really cool stories to tell you about :)

We called Lauren and she is doing so good! She told us that she has been reading the Book of Mormon. Usually she has a bunch of questions, but she didn't even have questions because she likes what she has been reading. She told us more about her job. She's a truck driver, but because she isn't a solo driver, she is in the truck moving 24/7. So when she isn't driving, she's in the back sleeping and her partner is driving. She really wants to go to church but can only go on a day off which she doesn't get very often. So she wants to do that soon. We talked with her more about prayer, and why we pray and how it is special to us. She has been super hesitant to pray because of her past history with Christian churches, but at the end of the lesson, she said she would try to do it! That was such a huge step for her! Right before we were about to end the call, she said, "I don't know how long you continue to call people, but if it's okay, I want you to keep calling me." We were like OF COURSE! haha it was way cool. She even got some sasparilla for us, and wants to bring it to us if she ever gets to stop in Temple Square. She's way awesome!

We also got to talk with Cameron. He is still on Probation so he hasn't been able to be baptized. But, he is doing really well. He has changed a lot since we first met him in May. He told us all the things he wants to be better at and how he is going to do that. Hopefully he will be able to be baptized soon!

Frank is doing really well! We have met with him almost every day since Tuesday. He's kind of crazy haha really eccentric is a better way to put it. But anyway, he wants to return to the Temple and get his life back on track. He's been working with the Homeless Veteran's Association to find housing too. He came to Music and the Spoken Word with us on Sunday and attended church in a local ward too. On Saturday we finally had a break-through lesson. His whole eccentric personality was pushed to the side as we showed him the presentation God's Plan and talked about the Temple and having goals in his life. Finally we were beginning to see that 'broken heart and a contrite spirit.' I think the Spirit really hit him. Hopefully we will be able to help him as he fully returns spiritually and physically to where God wants him to be. The Temple is SO special. I love the Salt Lake Temple because of it's symbolism. It's so neat to me that the Lord teaches us through symbolism. It really makes us think :) As I have been a missionary, the importance of the Temple has really stuck out to me. We are so blessed that God would let us, imperfect people, make covenants with Him in His house! Like Elder Anderson said,'making and keeping covenants with Godgives us the power to smile throughhardships, to convert tribulation into triumph, to “be anxiously engaged in a good cause, … andbring to pass much righteousness."' Remember the power of your covenants! :)

Ah the coolest thing happened to me this week! We were in West Gate when this guy walked up to my window. His name is Paul and he is fro Colorado. He was talking about missionaries, and then he said, "They knock on my door, so I figured I'd come and knock on theirs." We were like no way right now....haha no way!! So I started talking to him while Sister Asay was talking to someone. He was way interested in the symbolism on the Temple exterior. He said that he had been reading all about it (on some bogus site called moroni.com or something...) so I was like, oh well can I show you a website that has a lot of helpful information? (So I showed him mormon.org haha hopefully he will go there now) And I showed him the features of it, he really liked it. Then he was like well thanks bye! Before we could say anything else. oh man! I was thinking, I want to teach this guy, come back! but he was gone. About 5 minutes later, I looked up, and there he was! I was like no way... so I started talking more to him and explaining the Book of Mormon and asked if he wanted one. He said yes. We talked a little more and I was just thinking, I can't let him leave without inviting him to act on his faith, and without him having a chance to learn more because he is so prepared. So I just said, "Paul, here's the thing. I want to share more with you about how this all relates to you and your family. Here on Temple Square, we actually get to call people all around the world and teach them more, without it being as invasive as knocking on people's doors. Can we call you and share more with you?" And he was like yeah, do you want my phone number? It was way awesome! Then we set an appointment with him for the next day, and when we called him, he answered and said, "is this sister Ferguson and Sister Asay?" We said yes and he said that he had been reading the Book of Mormon but that when he shared his experience with his wife, she said absolutely not. She is baptist and feels like it would ruin their family relationship. Well, we can't mess with that, so we told him that we want him to have peace in his home, and that we respect him and his wife, and gave our phone number for if he ever has anything we can help with and told him the importance of reading and praying about the Book of Mormon and ended the call. I was way sad because I knew he had been prepared for us and I felt so strongly we needed to teach him! I kid you not, less that 15 minutes later as we were going home, he texted us. His text said, "The minor things fade in comparison to the reading of the Book of Mormon, addictive, and meditative." and yest again, Sister Asay and I were like NO WAY haha. Then he said, "I want to find a way to worship indirectly with other Mormons ie through the radio/internet. I know the church we have been going to broadcasts over the Internet do Mormons?" and then he said, "If I ever went to the Temple [where I am from] would I be able to go into it or do I need an invitation/sponsor?" We answered all these questions and told about the preparation needed to enter the Temple and why we need it. He then said he was going to listen to the broadcast of Music and the Spoken Word as he was driving the next day. He is so cool!! I don't know if we will be able to teach him or what will happen, but I know he will be baptized one day because he is so prepared, and is recognizing truth so fast. It is amazing to see the work of the Lord! In my scriptures, I use an orange tab to mark all instances of miracles. If I had to do that even just for the time period of the mission, I would run out of tabs really fast. Haha. I love this mission so much because you see so many miracles. Even Sister Asay and I see so many, and we are in our office almost all day! It's unlike any other mission in the World. I can't even believe I am so blessed to be one of the few that get to serve here.

Well that's all the time we have. Look for the 'orange tabs' in your life this week as you remember the power of your covenants. I hope you have a wonderful week!


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